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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Succulents make me happy

I love succulents. All kinds of them. They make me happy just to look at them. I do not however, have a green thumb, which is good for the succulents because they are very resilient and can handle my not so loving touch. Not that I am rough with them or don't try to give them the best possible care. My intentions are very very well, it just happens that I more often than not, kill my poor plants. I have however somewhat managed to not kill a couple tomato plants this past summer. Only after having killed several the past few years I finally learned what they like and do not like. The fruits of my labor, and exasperation are small and few, but still I managed to help it live so it could bear a little fruit.
Here is what I mean by my not so green thumb. I planted these lovely girls and did not provide drainage. They still managed to survive.

I finally decided, (why today, I do not know) to move them to a more appropriate home.

They are a little dirty from the move, but should be just fine. I am hoping they will multiply and fill the container so they overflow. I just love that look.  Here are some other of my favorite succulents I have scattered about in my back yard.

And some photos of my tomatoes. The smaller ones with a single strawberry are mine, and the larger batch is from my parent's friend's garden. Thanks for sharing with us mom! I hope to get mine to grow that big someday. :-) In my defense though, mine are cherry tomatoes. lol
Left a little too long on the vine, they burst from so much water

Enjoy your day,

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