As I was leaving my garage this morning to take my daughter to school, the temp in my truck said 35 degrees. Yikes, that is cold! It certainly is not snow weather yet, but still. 35 degrees is way too cold for me.
So, to warm up when I got home I made some yummy steel cut oats.
Have you ever had this? It is a different cut of oat, but still tastes like oat meal. I just love oatmeal. My sister introduced me to the steel cut variety and I am hooked. She's always got new (well, new to me anyway lol) recipes to share, and this was one of them. I don't really have a knack for coming up with new foods to try, so I rely on my sister's adventurous tastes. Not that steel cut oats is super adventurous, but for me it is. I would never have thought to try something other than what I've always had, which is the traditional old fashioned oats.
Anyway, I thought I'd share with you in case some out there have yet to try this particular cut of oat. It's de-lish!
Above is what they look like in their raw state. Little nuggets of yummy oats. They swell when they are cooked and have a slight little bite to them when you eat them. Definitely a comfort food in my book.
Here is the cooked results. A sure way to keep warm and full!
I buy mine in bulk at our local grocery store. Much less expensive that way.
Enjoy your day,