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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Some fun pics we took at the end of the summer

A friend of ours let us use his barn as a back drop. I was looking for some perfect/professional pictures that I thought I could pull off myself of my kids. What I got was definitely not perfect nor 'professional' looking pictures. For one, I don't think my kids 'posed' like I thought they should have because it was 'mom' who was taking the pictures.
After looking at the finished photos the first time, and of course several hundreds times later, what I have concluded is that in fact, they are perfect. They are exactly what my kids are. Fun, silly, sweet, energetic kids. And I love how the pictures reveal that. Those are actually my favorite types of pictures. The ones where their personalities come shining through the pictures instead of perfect little people that were posed in sometimes not so comfortable angles.

Notice the little guys shoe on my daughter's leg and the middle guy looking at her leg. That cracks me up

Enjoy your day,

1 comment:

  1. I can see you are a true beliver in God's beauty, in your children as well as what he has created on hearth. God is good
